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GPS System


TSF shall be in a position to offer urban traffic control system for fixed time and SCOOT traffic control to meet the requirements of urban environments from the largest cities to the smallest towns. 

    • Urban traffic control features : - 
      »  - Green waves to speed emergency vehicles along selected routes at the push of a button .
      »  - Traffic counting with automatic time correlated recording of flow statistics.
      »  - Detection of traffic queues as they occur.
      »  - Sign switching to introduce diversions to avoid congestions.
      »  - Automatic car parking direction signing to match current parking space availability .
      »  - Facilities for the user’s traffic engineers to generate new and expanded plans.
      »  - Wall maps to indicate faults or traffic movement restrictions to the operator.
      »  - Visual display units for operator communication.
      »  - Semigraphical colour VDU’s for map presentations


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